Either way you look at it, time is flying by. The purpose of this display in our church is to emphasize how precious time is. When you see how much TIME you have left, you tend to do more with TIME you have now. 936 is the estimated number of weeks between birth and high school graduation.
Each frame contains fuzzy pom-poms; each pom-pom represents one week of your child/youth's life that you have until high school graduation. In the beginning the frame is full, and when you get to 12th grade, there aren't many weeks left. In the beginning your child requires so many hours of care; and by 12th grade, sometimes you're only getting one hour a day, if that. It's estimated that the average parent/guardian has about 3,000 hours of influence per year, compared to the church who has only 40 hours in that year.
We want to partner wtih you! Here are some resources that may help you at home, work and play!