2025 Lenten Devotional

Lent is a season of 40 days when Christians all over the world examine their relationship with Jesus Christ. The word Lent means "spring" and it is a reawakening of our souls, of God's renewing love that breaks through our waywardness and sins. For us to get to the glorious resurrection that awaits us at Easter, there are doors to open so this sacred season can have meaning and purpose. Paul writes to the church in Corinth, "If anyone is in Christ, they are new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17) Our Lenten Sermon Series, Door To Open, is an invitation to journey into the new life we find in Christ as Paul encourages.

These pages are filled with he stories from our church of how God has opened doors. Their stories are a testimony and witness that Emmanuel is with us-always! Our journey together will lead us through various doors this Lent with the culmination of the Easter Tritium (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday).

Honored to be on the journey with you!

Revs Justin and Melissa Lowe