Joy Class
The Joy Class at FUMC is an amazing class of loving and energetic members. Our president is Don
Abernathy and our teacher is Tim Patti. We range in age from the lower 60s to the late 80s. We are a devoted class both to Jesus and to each other. We support causes such as Camp Sunshine and the Community Kitchen and the United Women in Faith and the Methodist Men’s hot dog lunch every first Friday.
Many of our members are leaders in these groups. We serve on many church committees and on the Church Council and we do everything from planting and watering plants in the Memory Garden to
helping with Communion to making sandwiches if Bruce needs help. We support retired ministers who come to our class and go hear them preach. We serve on the Bereavement committee and feed those who have lost loved ones. We monitor a list of those who need prayers and keep up with them. We have outings and a Christmas party. We celebrate birthdays and support our members in grief. We have lost several members in the past two years, and we continue to uplift and support their spouses. Many of us attend Wednesday night fellowship and take classes together. We have a weekly newsletter to stay in touch and our outreach program is strong. We truly are a Joy-Full group.
We are honoring our traditions and shoring up our church history by spearheading a storytelling project, having members of the church write their family histories with emphasis on their FUMC memories. We plan to publish those. Initially the JOY class, which has been around for over fifty years, stood for Jesus, Others, Yourself, but we also embrace the acronym for Just Older Youth! If anything, we are steadfast and loyal. We would love to have you join us on Sunday mornings at 10 AM in Room 315.
If you enjoy vegetable soup, you will enjoy the Cross-Talk Sunday school class. A fine mixture that gets
better when mixed together! We are the 2nd highest class in life experiences.
We age in the 60- 80 group. We have either seen, experienced, or lived thru the Good, the Bad, and Ugly of life. And we’ve been here to support each other.
Many members have various talents. One of who is Royce Robinson. Not only does he teach SS, but here he is singing a song he wrote after rereading “The imitation of Christ” by Thomas a Kempis.
Published in 1418.
Our class laughs a lot. We love our church and we love each other. But most importantly- we love our lord Jesus Christ. This fall we will begin Questions Jesus Asked. Led by Royce Robinson, Carol Taylor and Steve Whitesell in Rooms 303/305.
Builders Class
The Builders Class meets every Monday evening at 6:30 PM in the card room at Covenant Village. All ages young and young at heart are welcome. We study from the Adult Bible Studies series, hold hymn sings and participate in mission projects. We also share church history through story and minister to members and non-members of Covenant Village. Teachers are Richard Abernethy and Stephanie Elliott.
Carpenters Class
This is a small discussion based Sunday school class who enjoy studying a variety of Biblical topics.
Currently they are participating in a scripture-based study on Angels as this can often be a mystery to us. We hope you join us to learn more. This class meets in Room 314 and is led by Mark McIntosh.
Faith Matters
Parents in this class are building a faith that matters by discussing how God is using them in their homes, workplace, community and beyond. Led by Walt and Anne Mallonee and meets in Room 312.
Friends in Faith
Friends in Faith Sunday School Class. Led by Lindsay Willis and Casey Miller. Fall Schedule resumes Aug 13th. We meet each Sunday at 10am at First United Methodist Church in Gastonia in Room 218, across from the Chapel.
We are a mix of singles, young married couples, and parents of younger to school aged children. Single
Sunday Devotionals, Short Book Studies, and Short Video Studies are used as a catalyst for group
discussions to help us grow in our faith. We foster friendships through social events: women’s nights,
men’s nights, and family gatherings. If you are looking for a friend on your faith journey, please join us.
Youth- Middle & High School students are led in a time of fellowship and devotion in the Greene House. More information here
Nursery & Children- Birth-5th grade children come together for a snack and are taught Bible stories on the First Floor
More information here