Being involved to pray for myself, my friends and my enemies, and for the needs of the world, no matter how overwhelming they may be. There are many ways to be involved in prayer ministry:
- Participate in a card or caring ministry.
- Participate in a knitting or crocheting ministry.
- Make phone calls to those on the shut-in and visitation list.
- Pray with families where they are emotionally and physically.
Being involved to remain present to Christians around the world, people of faith around the world, and the needs of my family, my community, and my church.
- Participate in worship services: through singing, reading aloud, or drama and arts.
- Participate in a continually scheduled small group, such as Sunday School.
- Participate in a short-term thematic small group.
- Volunteer in the office, or around the church for various occasions.
Being involved to understand that I am abundantly gifted in this world: in faith, in curiosity, and in humanity.
Participate in giving my tithes and offerings.
- Lead a small group.
- Participate in worship preparation, choirs, and arts ministries.
- Volunteer with children & youth ministries.
- Volunteer with older adult ministries.
- Volunteer with sports ministries.
- Participate in one of the leadership areas within a church ministry team or church committee.
- Complete a Spiritual Gifts Survey.
Being involved through service to the poor, the forgotten, the hurting, the hungry, the “other.”
Volunteer, plan, and/or implement special services, vacation Bible school, and other service events.
- Become an usher, greeter, and hospitality team member.
- Help with tutoring and literacy programs in our local schools.
- Help with the live stream and media ministry.
- Help be hands-on help in the office on an as-need basis.
- Volunteer in the church library, decoration, and bulletin board design.
Being involved through living life in such a way that others want to know God as well.
Volunteer, plan, and/or implement special outreach events and worship gatherings.
Participate in local and other mission engagement opportunities.
- Volunteer in the many food ministry areas: On campus, off campus ministries, Funeral meal teams.
- Share your story in small groups or in worship services.
- Reach out to first-time guests and share why you are a member of this local congregation.